Yükseller Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. prioritizes the highest level of security measures for the lawful collection, secure storage, and responsible sharing of your personal data. Our objective is to transparently inform you about the acquisition, processing purposes, recipients, legal bases, and your rights concerning your personal data, in accordance with Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law, ensuring your satisfaction.

a) Data Controller

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“Law No. 6698”), your personal data may be collected and processed by Yükseller Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (“COMPANY”) as the data controller, as described below.

b) Purpose of Processing Personal Data

The COMPANY may collect personal data from parties such as customers, employees, potential customers, employee candidates, business partners, and suppliers. The collected personal data falls into categories such as identity information, contact information, customer information, customer transaction information, transaction security information, legal transaction and compliance information, and marketing and sales information.

Your collected personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

– Providing COMPANY products and services to you, fulfilling our obligations to you, organizing records and documents, complying with information storage, reporting, informing, tax, and other obligations under local and international legislation,

– Conducting communication for the purpose of increasing the quality of services and products, providing personalized advertising, campaigns, advantages, and other benefits for sales and marketing activities aimed at improving the quality of products and services,

– Managing infrastructure and commercial activities, and complying with internal policies and procedures, including but not limited to audit, finance, and accounting, invoicing and collections, information systems, data and website hosting, business continuity, and related to document and print management,

– Communicating information technology requirements, system structure, necessity of received information technology support services, and transferring necessary information about these services and products,

– Conducting traffic measurement, statistical analysis, segmentation/profiling, and CRM studies for sales and marketing activities,

– Measuring and increasing customer satisfaction, complaint management, receiving opinions and suggestions regarding new products and services, receiving problem-error notifications, providing information to you about products and services, and managing your orders, processing your payments, collaborating with third parties for logistics and product shipment, suggesting products and services that may interest you, online behavioral advertising and marketing, customer portfolio management, measurement and improvement of service quality, communication, optimization, audit, risk management and control, promotion, analysis, determination of areas of interest, scoring, profiling, marketing, sales, advertising, communication,

– Using your personal data in any and all products and services that may be offered to you in accordance with the business regulated in the COMPANY’s main contract that regulates the disclosure of your personal data to the COMPANY,

– Complying with information storage, reporting, and informing obligations prescribed by official institutions, fulfilling the requirements of contracts, and performing legal obligations that the COMPANY is subject to in relation to the use of services,

– Managing the financial operations, communication, market research and social responsibility activities, purchasing operations (request, proposal, evaluation, order, budgeting, contract) carried out by the COMPANY in accordance with the determination and implementation of the commercial and business strategies of the COMPANY.

These personal data will be processed within the scope of the purposes and conditions for processing personal data specified in Articles 5 and 6 of Law No. 6698.

c) To Whom and for What Purposes the Processed Personal Data May Be Transferred

Your collected personal data may be transferred to the following parties, limited to the realization of the purposes mentioned above:

– COMPANY’s business partners, suppliers, and shareholders,

– Persons or organizations permitted by the Tax Procedure Law, Social Security Institution legislation, the Court of Accounts, the Law on the Prevention of Laundering of Crime Revenues, the Turkish Commercial Code, the Code of Obligations and other legislation,

– Authorized public institutions and organizations, administrative authorities, and legal authorities as required by the legislation,

– COMPANY’s foreign subsidiaries,

– Institutions and organizations with which we have agreements for sending you advertisements, campaigns, advantages, and other benefits, program partner institutions, cargo companies delivering your orders, within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of Law No. 6698.

d) Method of Collecting Personal Data and Legal Basis

Your personal data is collected within the scope of legal regulations by the COMPANY Headquarters, applications made through contracted websites, other real and/or legal persons with whom transactions are carried out within the framework of any legislation or contract, verbally, in writing or electronically, or through other channels that may be established/created in the future;

The legal basis for the collection of your personal data by the COMPANY is to be collected within the scope of legal regulations by the COMPANY Headquarters, applications made through contracted websites, other real and/or legal persons with whom transactions are carried out within the framework of any legislation or contract, verbally, in writing, or electronically, or through other channels that may be established/created in the future within the scope of the purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law No. 6698 and in the scope of the relevant legislation.

e) Rights of the Personal Data Subject under Article 11 of Law No. 6698

As personal data owners, if you communicate your requests regarding your rights through the methods outlined below, the COMPANY will respond to your request as soon as possible and no later than thirty days, depending on the nature of the request. In this context, personal data owners have the right to:

– Learn whether personal data is being processed,

– Request information if personal data has been processed,

– Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,

– Know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,

– Request correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed and request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,

– Request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing are eliminated, despite being processed in accordance with Law No. 6698 and other related laws, and request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,

– Object to the occurrence of a result against the person by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

– If personal data is processed unlawfully and damage is incurred, request the compensation of the damage.

You can submit your request to use the above rights in Turkish and in writing or to the registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or the electronic mail address previously notified to the COMPANY in accordance with Article 13 of Law No. 6698 and the Regulation on Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller published in the Official Gazette No. 30356 and dated 10.03.2018. Only information about the applicant will be provided in the applications, and information about other family members and third parties cannot be obtained. The COMPANY reserves the right to verify your identity before responding.

In your application;

a) Your name, surname, and, if the application is written, your signature,

b) Your Republic of Turkey identification number for Turkish citizens, your nationality if you are a foreigner, your passport number, or your identification number if available,

c) Your residential or business address for notification,

d) Your primary email address, phone, and fax numbers if available,

e) The subject of your request,

Must be included, and if applicable, information and documents related to the subject should be attached to the application.

If you want to make written applications, you can submit them to the address of our company as the data controller, Yükseller Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., Tantavi Mah. Estergon Cad. Exen Residence No: 24F/270 – 34764 Ümraniye/İSTANBUL, by including the necessary documents.

For applications you want to make via e-mail, you can send them to the email address

It is necessary to provide information and documents that allow identification in a complete and accurate manner. If the requested information and documents are not provided properly, there may be difficulties in conducting the investigations to be carried out by the COMPANY in response to your request. In this case, the COMPANY declares that it reserves its legal rights. Therefore, your application must be sent in a complete and accurate manner with the required information and documents according to the nature of your request.

If you request the deletion or destruction of your personal data, we will be able to fulfill this request at the end of the period determined within the scope of legal obligations. It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date. Therefore, if there is any change in your personal data, we kindly request you to inform us as soon as possible.


In accordance with this policy, “Cookies” used as the primary method of storing essential information by this website and the “Local Storage” area of the browser are utilized for the same purpose. All information provided in this section is also applicable to the mentioned “Local Storage.” No personally sensitive information such as your address, password, credit card, or bank card details is stored in the Cookies we use.


Cookies are small text files stored by internet sites on your device or server through browsers when you visit them. Depending on their type, cookies on websites collect data related to your browsing and usage preferences on the device you use. These data include the pages you accessed, services and products you viewed, language preferences, and other related choices.

The small text files containing your language and other settings on the site help remember your preferences on your next visit, contributing to improvements in our services to enhance your experience on the site. This way, you can have a better and personalized user experience on your next visit.

The main purposes of using cookies on our website are as follows:

– Improve the functionality and performance of the website to enhance the services provided to you.

– Enhance and improve the website, introduce new features through the website, and personalize the offered features according to your preferences;

– Ensure the legal and commercial security of the website, yourself, and the organization, preventing fraudulent transactions through the site;

– Fulfill legal and contractual obligations, including those arising from the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications and the Regulation on the Principles and Procedures for the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet.


1- Session Cookies Session cookies ensure the proper functioning of the website during your visit. They are used for purposes such as securing the website and your visit, ensuring continuity, and are temporary cookies that are deleted when you close your browser, not persistent.

2- Persistent Cookies These cookies are used to remember your preferences and are stored on your device through browsers. Persistent cookies remain stored even after you close your browsing session or restart your computer. Until these cookies are deleted from your browser settings, they are kept in the subfolders of your browser. Certain types of persistent cookies can be used to provide personalized recommendations based on factors such as your purpose of using the website. By checking if a cookie created by our website exists on your device when you revisit our site with the same device, it is understood that you have previously visited the site. Content communicated to you is determined accordingly, providing you with better service.

3- Mandatory/Technical Cookies These are essential cookies for the proper functioning of the visited website. The purpose of these cookies is to provide necessary services by ensuring the operation of the site. For example, they allow access to secure sections of the website, use of features, and navigation on the website.

4- Analytical Cookies These cookies collect information about the usage patterns, frequency, and number of visits to the website. The purpose of using these cookies is to improve the functioning of the site, enhance performance, and determine general trend directions. They do not contain data that could identify visitors. For example, they may show the number of error messages displayed or the most visited pages.

5- Functional Cookies By recording the choices made by visitors within the site, these cookies remember them for the next visit. The purpose of these cookies is to provide convenience for visitors. For example, they prevent the need for the site user to re-enter their password on each page they visit.

6- Targeting/Advertising Cookies These cookies measure the effectiveness of the advertisements presented to visitors and calculate how many times ads are displayed. The purpose of these cookies is to offer visitors personalized advertisements based on their areas of interest. Similarly, they identify the specific areas of interest in visitors’ navigation and provide appropriate content. For example, they prevent the same advertisement from being shown to a visitor in a short period.


Many browsers offer options to accept or reject cookies, accept only certain types of cookies, or receive warnings from the browser when a website requests to store cookies on your device. Additionally, it is possible to delete previously stored cookies in your browser settings. If you disable or reject cookies, some preferences may need to be manually adjusted, as we may not recognize and associate your account, causing certain features and services on the website not to function properly. Changing your cookie usage preferences or blocking and deleting cookies can be done by adjusting your browser settings.


Personal information provided by our visitors on this site, such as names, email addresses, business/home addresses, and phone numbers, will not be sold, rented, or used in any other way by Yükseller Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. and its affiliated companies.

Yükseller Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. or its affiliated companies will use Personal Information for limited purposes. These purposes include sending printed publications, sending newsletters or notifications via email, evaluating job applications, and delivering purchased products.

Only authorized personnel and third parties complying with privacy rules can access Personal Information. Additionally, browser type, geographical location, age, and similar information can be used to obtain statistical data, but these data are used by Yükseller Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.

Yükseller Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. or its affiliated companies do not guarantee the privacy policies of third-party websites you may access through links on the website. Therefore, before providing any personally identifiable information, we recommend evaluating the privacy practices of the sites you visit.